Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mind Your Health Mondays: Celebrate YOU!

From now on I'm going to celebrate me by scheduling routine check-ups the month of my birthday, March!  I've even scheduled one of my appointments ON my birthday. Today I had the first of 5 doctors appointments this month! Eeek! Tomorrow, the dentist. Later on this month: Obgyn, blood work for my thyroid and a follow up to get my thyroid medicine re-adjusted.

Pic from my 24th Birthday. I really want that cake right now!!

Today, after 8 weeks of waiting, I finally went to doctor for the mysterious bite and injured Achilles tendon on my right foot as well as a general check up. I was there for 3 hours! Glad the doctor was thorough and all, but wow, that's a long time to spend at the doctor.

The bite turned out to be from a spider. (Another reason I HATE spiders). They said it could take 6 months to a year for the discolored scar to go away! Gross. Thanks, spider.

My Achilles tendon is still slightly inflamed. I got samples of prescription anti-inflammatory cream to use on it for this last week of marathon training. :)

Anyways... I know my health is SO important to you and all, but the real reason I write this is to challenge you to get your check ups! It's been almost two years since I've been to ANY doctors. One year too long. Don't put it off! It's an investment worth making.